A Community Legal Centre providing free Legal advice

Seminar 4: Topic 1: Employment Law – Your rights at work Topic 2: Personal Injury – what are the rights of an injured person Topic 3: Managing Workplace Harassment and Bullying-Your options

From 19.08.2017 9:45 am until 19.08.2017 1:00 pm
Hits: 4213

9.45am TOPIC 1: Employment Law – Your rights at work: who looks after them – Is it the employer, the union, or the Fair Work Commission?
All employees, even casuals, have certain rights afforded to them under the law. Conduct such as discrimination, bullying, and unfair dismissals is not tolerated in the workplace. This seminar addresses some of these protections and how to assert your rights when you feel you are being treated unfairly in the workplace.
Presenter: Mr Ian Latham, Barrister, Denman Chambers, Sydney
Chair: Mr Con Ktenas, Senior Solicitor, Workers Compensation Independent Review Office (WIRO) and President, City of Sydney Law Society

10.45am TOPIC 2: Personal Injury – what are the rights of an injured person and how to manage the situation?
There are many forms of ‘injury’ which can happen to an individual. Most of these are treated differently under the law, including what form of compensation you can receive and how to go about proving you were injured. This seminar should be seen by everyone in the community.
Presenter: Mr Richard Dababneh, Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law & Partner at Turner Freeman, Parramatta
Chair: Mr Nathan Bonello, Solicitor-Partner, Turner Freeman, Campbelltown

11.45am Morning tea break

12 noon TOPIC 3: Managing Workplace Harassment and Bullying – Your Options
Harassment and bullying have unfortunately become a part of everyday life. One needs to be vigilant and needs to gain the skills to manage this, otherwise it could become debilitating experience with many negative outcomes. Although this session will not be covering harassment and bullying in schools, universities and public places, the session will provide some clear survival guidelines within the workplace context. 

Presenter: Ms Kristen Lopes, Senior Solicitor & Partner,Colin Biggers & Paisley, Lawyers, Sydney
Chair: Ms Marea Wilson, Barrister, Denman Chambers, Sydney