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Seminar 9: Topic 1; Impact of recent changes to Citizenship Law & the cancellation of 457 visa? Topic 2: Domestic violence: What should you do? How does this affect family and relationships?

From 30.09.2017 10:00 am until 30.09.2017 1:00 pm
Hits: 3905

10.00am TOPIC 1: Impact of recent changes to Citizenship Law & the cancellation of 457 visa
Impact of Changes to Citizenship Laws & cancellation of 457 on the community/businesses. Recent changes to citizenship laws and 457 visas have a significant impact on small business and local community. This seminar discusses these changes and what can be expected.
Presenter: Prof Mary Crock, Professor of Public Law, The University of Sydney Law School
Chair: Mr Michael Kah, Solicitor & Accredited Specialist in Migration Law

11.20am Morning tea break

11.40am TOPIC 2: Domestic violence: What should you do? How does this affect family and relationships?
Domestic Violence and Family Law Disputes – How does one approach these? Domestic violence and family disputes are a particularly difficult area in which to seek help. This seminar discusses some of the issues that may arise and the best ways to seek assistance under NSW and Australian law.
Presenter: Mr Vaughan Roles, Solicitor, NSW Legal Aid and Mr Richard Battley, Barrister, Lachlan Chambers (Participatory Session)
Chair: Mr Gary Cluff, President, Parramatta & District Law Society