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2019 Seminar 8- Employment Law - What you need to know- Role of unions to safeguarding terms and conditions of employment- are they effective?

From 30.11.2019 2:00 pm until 30.11.2019 4:00 pm
Hits: 2797

TOPIC: Employment Law - What you need to know- Role of unions to safeguarding terms and conditions of employment- are they effective?
All employees including casuals have certain rights afforded to them under the law. Conduct such discrimination; bullying and unfair dismissals are not tolerated in the workplace. This seminar will address some of these protections and how to assert your rights when you feel you are being treated unfairly in the workplace.

PRESENTER: Ian Latham, Barrister, Denman Chambers, Sydney

Chair: Anastasia Polites, Solicitor, Senior Industrial Officer, Fire Brigade Employees’ Union